Drama of the Rite (Paperback)
作者: Roger Grainger 
書城編號: 1184197

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版日期: 2008/10/01
尺寸: 152x229x10mm
重量: 0.16 kg
ISBN: 9781845193065

This book brings home the dramatic identity of ritual and the religious significance of all kinds of theatre. Historically speaking, religious ritual and theatre appear to have evolved together. But what is the relationship between catharsis and liturgy? How liturgical is theatre, and how theatrical is liturgy? Liturgy's purpose is dramatic; like theatre it is a kinetic medium focusing upon the presence of the other person, whether divine or human. The book explores the characteristics of liturgical experience -- concentration, single mindedness, intentionality, emotional catharsis and above all, the quality of encounter on which personal environment depends -- an exploration which leads into the dramatic shape underlying both liturgy and theatre, that of the rite of passage itself. Examples are given of such rites, understood from the point of view of their theatrical nature and purpose. This involves looking at liturgical structure from a point of view which up to now has largely been neglected by scholars, although its relevance emerges with striking force, as the drama of the incursion of the divine into human lives. Many have spoken and written of the 'drama of religious ritual' and been content to leave it at that. Roger Grainger takes a cliche and examines the often misunderstood truth it expresses.
Roger Grainger 作者作品表

eBook: Love'S Contagion: Who Do You Really Believe In? (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Theatre and Encounter: The Psychology of the Dramatic Relationship (DRM EPUB)

eBook: You Never Get Out: Memories of Two Psychiatric Hospitals (DRM EPUB)

Educating Anglicans (Paperback)

eBook: Shape of Bereavement: Working through (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Shape of Bereavement: Working through (DRM PDF)

Bridging the Gap (Paperback)

eBook: Faith, Hope, and Therapy: Counseling with St. Paul (DRM EPUB)

Suspending Disbelief (Paperback)

Laying the Ghost: Patients Into Users (Paperback)

Drama of the Rite (Paperback)

Peace Prayers - From the World`s Faiths (Paperback)

Healing Theatre (Paperback)

eBook: Group Spirituality: A Workshop Approach (DRM PDF)

eBook: Group Spirituality: A Workshop Approach (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Group Spirituality: A Workshop Approach (DRM PDF)

Health Care and Implicit Religion (Paperback)

Researching the Arts Therapies: A Dramatherapist's Perspective (Paperback)

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