Heath Robinson (Hardcover)
作者: W Heath Robinson 
分類: Individual artists, art monographs ,
Comic book & cartoon art ,
Motor cars: general interest ,
書城編號: 1192321

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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出版社: The Bodleian Library
出版日期: 2015/06/15
尺寸: 185x120x16mm
重量: 0.23 kg
ISBN: 9781851244348

Heath Robinson (1872-1944) is Britain's "Gadget King"--master of the art of creating madcap contraptions that made use of ropes, weights, and pulleys to perform relatively simple tasks, from wart removal to peeling potatoes. Although he trained as a painter and also worked as a book illustrator, Robinson developed his forte with drawings of gadgets that parodied the absurdities of modern life. A true cartoonist, Robinson had a way of getting at the heart of the matter while simultaneously satirizing it mercilessly. He became a household name in Britain, and his popularity continues today with plans to build a museum in London to share with a new generation the story of his life and work.

For the car enthusiast, How to Be a Motorist offers a compendium of Robinson's wonderfully inventive car-based contraptions, with innovations like a handy "zip-opening bonnet," a rear wheel to turn the car around with one movement, and a fork attachment to help rural motorists to avoid the occasional chicken on the roadway. The days of unsolicited driving advice could be over with the realization of Robinson's "duo car for the incompatible," and the book also includes a parody of a production line demonstrating how cars are made.

A side-splittingly funny collection from the man whose "absurd, beautiful drawings" H. G. Wells claimed "give me a peculiar pleasure of the mind like nothing else in the world," this book make a perfect gift for anyone looking to have a laugh at our complicated and increasingly mechanical modern life.

W Heath Robinson 作者作品表

Heath Robinson: How to be a Perfect Husband (Hardcover)

Heath Robinson's Golf (Hardcover)

Heath Robinson's Great War (Hardcover)

Heath Robinson (Hardcover)

Heath Robinson (Hardcover)

Railway Ribaldry (Paperback)

Golden-Age Illustrations of W. Heath Robinson (Paperback)

Golden-Age Illustrations of W. Heath Robinson (Paperback)

Adventures of Uncle Lubin (Paperback)

Britain at Play (Paperback)

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