Art of the Islands (Paperback)
作者: Michelle P. Brown 
書城編號: 1192328

原價: HK$325.00
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出版社: The Bodleian Library
出版日期: 2016/09/16
尺寸: 250x210x19mm
重量: 564 grams
ISBN: 9781851244461

The Celtic, Pictish, Anglo-Saxon, and Viking peoples who inhabited the British Isles and Ireland from late prehistory to the Normal Conquest left behind a rich visual heritage that continues to be felt today. The traditions of each of these peoples has been studied separately, but rarely has the historical interaction of these cultures been adequately considered.

Michelle P. Brown remedies this oversight, presenting an extensively illustrated art historical overview of this formative period in the region's history. Describing the interactions between the region's inhabitants, she also explores the formation of national and regional identities. Brown ranges across works as diverse as the Book of Kells, the Tara Brooch, the Aberlemno Stone, the Lindisfarne Gospels, the Alfred Jewel, and the Benedictional of St. Ethelwold, showing how their complex imagery can be best interpreted. She also considers the impact of the art of this period upon the history of art in general, exploring how it has influenced many movements since, from the Carolingian Renaissance and the Romanesque style to the nineteenth-century Arts and Crafts movement.

Michelle P. Brown 作者作品表

Bede and the Theory of Everything (Hardcover)

eBook: Christian Art (DRM EPUB)

Art of the Islands (Paperback)

How Christianity Came To Britain and Ireland (New ed) (Hardcover)

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