Lovesong (Paperback)
作者: Geraldine McCaughrean 
分類: Historical romance ,
Historical fiction  
書城編號: 1194234

售價: $260.00

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出版社: Mereo
出版日期: 2017/01/21
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 0.63 kg
ISBN: 9781861515780

In Lovesong, three-time Whitbread Prize winner Geraldine McCaughrean has written what Philippa Gregory called "Probably the best historical novel I have ever read." At the centre of the story is a talented troubadour, Peter Oriole, and his daughter, Princess' Ouallada. The opening sections of the book trace Oriole's journey from France to the Holy Land in the service of two very different crusader Knights, one a saintly aesthete, the other a cynical opportunist. The twelfth century was a time when men and women were inventing - or perhaps reinventing - the nature of love itself, and it was the troubadour's task to express that love in song - their fate either glory or scandalous ruin. What does love mean to Oriole? As he discovers both romance and passion in his own life we are introduced to an extraordinary cast of characters - rogues, mountebanks, villains, heroes, damsels both in and out of distress, soldiers and holy men, all working out their own destiny, each compellingly and convincingly drawn. This is the story of one man's wreck on the sea of passion - and his daughter's stormy voyage in his wake. With strikingly detailed imagery and characterisation that is totally convincing and compassionate, Geraldine McCaughrean has written a novel of ideas which is also storytelling at full pelt. "McCaughrean is well on her way to becoming one of the few great novelists to adorn our age." MAIL ON SUNDAY
Geraldine McCaughrean 作者作品表

A Pack of Lies Paperback (2023) (Paperback)

A Tale of Two Dragons (Paperback)

Where the World Ends (1) (Paperback)

A Tale of Two Dragons (Hardcover)

The Secret Garden (Hardcover)

The Supreme Lie (Paperback)

eBook: Supreme Lie (DRM EPUB)

The Supreme Lie (Unabridged ed) (CD-Audio)

The Story of the Nativity (Hardback)

The Snow Queen (Paperback)

Little Mermaid (Hardcover)

The Snow Queen (Hardcover)

Sky Ship and other stories (Paperback)

Rollercoaster: The Kite Rider (Mixed media product)

Where the World Ends (paperback)

Where the World Ends (hardcover)

Go! Go! Chichico! (Paperback)

Where the World Ends (Unabridged ed) (CD-Audio)

The Jesse Tree (New ed) (Paperback)

eBook: Middle of Nowhere (DRM EPUB)

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