Much is said in the Christian Bible about when the present age will dissolve into a time when only peace and good will prevail throughout the world. This is particularly true of the Book of Revelation at the end of the Bible, one of the most mysterious and hotly-debated books of the Bible, which has been seen variously as another illustration of mankind's perennial insecurity and fear of annihilation or disaster, a pre-scientific catalogue of catastrophes common to much ancient apocalyptic literature, a prophecy of doom, a metaphor for how ultimately evil will fail and good will prevail, or a serious and literal account of how God will destroy all that is wrong in this world to bring in His New World Order. This book seeks to find the deeper reality of what these scriptures are telling us. Is this really God addressing mankind and if so what is He really telling us, why should He do so and how this is intimately relevant to us?