Interpreter (Paperback)
作者: Diego Marani 
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) ,
Fiction in translation  
書城編號: 1203235

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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出版日期: 2017/02/01
尺寸: 199x126x22mm
重量: 0.66 kg
ISBN: 9781910213124
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The Interpreter follows on from New Finnish Grammar and The Last of the Vostyachs and forms a trilogy of novels on the theme of language and identity. The Interpreter is both a quest and a thriller, and at times a comic picaresque caper around Europe but also deals with with the profound issues of existence.
An Interpreter at the UN in Geneva seems to be suffering from a mysterious illness when his translations become unintelligible and resemble no known language. He insists he is not ill and that he is on the verge of discovering the primordial language once spoken by all living creatures. His predicament is soon forgotten when he disappears and things can return to normal. The interpreter's boss starts to have problems in talking and seems to be speaking the same gibberish as the missing interpreter. He seeks help in a Sanatorium in Munich but reaches the conclusion he must talk to his missing colleague to understand what has happened to him and to have any hope of a cure. He follows the trail of the missing interpreter around Europe as his life undergoes profound changes and he is forced to confront the darker side of life.
Diego Marani 作者作品表

The Celestial City (Paperback)

New Finnish Grammar (Paperback)

Interpreter (Paperback)

God's Dog (Paperback)

Las Adventures Des Inspector Cabillot (Paperback)

eBook: Las Adventures des Inspector Cabillot (DRM EPUB)

Last of the Vostyachs (Paperback)

eBook: New Finnish Grammar (DRM EPUB)

New Finnish Grammar (Paperback)

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