Boy and Bot
作者: Ame Dyckman 
分類: Classic fiction (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 1241235

原價: HK$80.00
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出版社: Knopf Books for Young Readers
出版日期: 2016/10/11
頁數: 24
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781101936887

The story of an irresistible friendship between a boy and a robot, now in board for little hands.
One day, a boy and a robot meet in the woods. They play. They have fun. But when Bot gets switched off, Boy thinks he s sick! So Boy tucks the bot into bed and falls asleep. Bot is worried when he powers on and finds his friend powered off. He takes Boy home with him and tries all his remedies: oil, reading an instruction manual. Nothing revives the malfunctioning boy! Can the Inventor help fix him?
Using the perfect blend of sweetness and humor, this story of an adorable duo will win the hearts of the very youngest readers."
Ame Dyckman 作者作品表

¡No Explotes! (Don't Blow Your Top!) (Paperback)

Silly Boobies: A Love Story (Hardcover)

Vacation: Three-And-A-Half Stories (Hardcover)

Campingland (Hardcover)

Og Finds the Cog: Ready-To-Read Pre-Level 1 (Hardcover)

Og Finds the Cog: Ready-To-Read Pre-Level 1 (Paperback)

The Cozy Home: Three-And-A-Half Stories (Hardcover)

Og Meets Mog!: Ready-To-Read Pre-Level 1 (Paperback)

Og Meets Mog!: Ready-To-Read Pre-Level 1 (Hardcover)

Don't Blow Your Top! (Hardcover)

Tiny Barbarian Conquers the Kraken (Hardcover)

That's Life! (hardcover)

eBook: Misunderstood Shark (mp3 zips)

Read the Book, Lemmings! (Paperback)

Misunderstood Shark

Read the Book, Lemmings! (Hardcover)

Horrible Bear! (Paperback)

Horrible Bear! (Hardcover)

Boy and Bot

Wolfie the Bunny (Paperback)

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