Robot House (paperback)
作者: Peter Testa 
書城編號: 1247179

原價: HK$500.00
現售: HK$475 節省: HK$25

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出版社: Thames & Hudson
出版日期: 2017/07/11
重量: 1.4 kg
ISBN: 9780500343159


Robotics is the fastest-growing and most exciting area of development in architecture and architectural education for a generation, offering new paradigms for design and fabrication. Schools and practices around the world are installing machines, but few have the experience to appreciate the full design potential of their application.

Robot House features projects produced by the most advanced robotics design studio in the world, often interacting with a wide range of technologies from motion capture to material science--a realm far beyond the capabilities of 3D printing. The book has three central sections: Principles, which sets out the fields and the thinking that underlie the new uses for robotics; Projects, which offers detailed presentations that explore how these principles can be applied and augmented through interactive prototypes and working models; and Platforms, which presents the working tools used for robotic architecture through specially drawn technical illustrations. The introduction frames the current developments in the history of architectural innovation, and the reference section includes a glossary and diagrams.

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