Dotty'S First Book
作者: Becky Baur 
分類: Early learning: first word books  
書城編號: 1247606

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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出版社: Thames & Hudson
出版日期: 2017/03/07
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9780500651070


This is a book to share with very young children just beginning to explore their world. Becky Baur--whose charming illustrations are full of warmth and humor--has fun on the page introducing colors, numbers, shapes, opposites, and first words.

Each spread presents a key concept either via a single scene or a number of small artworks--all with first-word labels. There are all kinds of things to spot and find in the pictures, including animals who play a riotous game of peekaboo throughout the book. Die-cut shapes lead Dotty the spotty dog and the child through the book and provide visual surprises when you turn each page to reveal a different scene: playing in the garden, walks to the park, and even flying a toy rocket to the moon.

Dotty's First Book encourages children to engage with text and illustrations on the page, helping them become familiar with numbers, shapes, and colors, while Baur's graphic and contemporary quirky style keeps parents entertained.

Becky Baur 作者作品表

Dotty'S First Book

Miss Bunny's Shapes (Hardcover)

Mr Monkey's Numbers (Hardcover)

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