Mathematics in One Week - Module 1 Calculus & Statistics
作者: W. Wong 
系列: In One Week
書城編號: 1252487

售價: $109.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 7 天

出版社: Hong Kong Joint-Us Press Ltd.
頁數: 126
尺寸: 297mmx210mmx11mm
重量: 732.00 grams
ISBN: 9789881912251

•Features of this study guide: ◊Organisation in accordance with the current curriculum ◊Short paragraphs written in concise English ◊Lively and illustrative figures, graphs and diagrams ◊Worked examples with detailed solution ◊Lists of relevant past paper question numbers in open examinations•此學習指引的特點: ◊按最新課程及評估指引編寫 ◊以小段形式編排,文筆簡潔流暢 ◊以精美圖表解說學科知識 ◊例題附詳細答案 ◊詳列公開試相關試題題號
In One Week

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Mathematics in One Week - Module 1 Calculus & Statistics

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W. Wong 作者作品表

Risk Management of Safety and Dependability (Hardcover)

Mathematics in One Week - Module 1 Calculus & Statistics

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