•Features of this study guide: ◊Organisation in accordance with the current curriculum ◊Short paragraphs written in concise English ◊Lively and illustrative figures, graphs and diagrams ◊Worked examples with detailed solution ◊Important points highlighted for last-minute glance before examinations ◊Concept maps summarising the key ideas and their interrelations ◊Tailor-made notes consisting of examination tips and common errors ◊Lists of relevant past paper question numbers in open examinations•此學習指引的特點: ◊按最新課程及評估指引編寫 ◊以小段形式編排,文筆簡潔流暢 ◊以精美圖表解說學科知識 ◊例題附詳細答案 ◊重點以彩色顯示,以便應試前複習 ◊以概念表總結重點概念及其相互關聯 ◊提供應試提示及列出各部分的常見錯誤,是度身訂造的溫習筆記 ◊詳列公開試相關試題題號