•Features: ◊Tailor-made for students sitting the HKDSE English Language exam ◊3 sets of mock papers with detailed solutions written in line withpublic examination papers, loose-leaf bound for ease of use ◊A practical reference tool for preparation for the HKDSE English Language Paper 1 ◊Enhances students' language skills and analytical skills through reading practice ◊Boosts students' confidence in tackling different types of Paper 1 questions ◊Helps students excel in the real exams •特點: ◊特別為應考文憑試英國語文科的考生編製 ◊三份模擬試卷之考問形式與公開試試題相若,並附詳細答案,試題更以活頁釘裝,方便分拆使用 ◊有助同學增加實戰經驗,以應付文憑試英國語文科卷一考試 ◊藉着閱讀理解練習,以提升同學的語文能力及分析技巧 ◊增強同學解答卷一各類型問題的信心 ◊助同學在實際考試時能有傑出表現