5** DSE Mock Paper Physics (Compulsory Part)
作者: Flyee Leung 
系列: 5** Mock
書城編號: 1252506

售價: $86.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 7 天

出版社: Student House
頁數: 126
尺寸: 297mmx210mmx13mm
重量: 406.00 grams
ISBN: 9789881973115

•Features: ◊Tailor-made for the NSS Physics Curriculum (Compulsory Part) ◊3 sets of mock papers with detailed solutions written in line with public examination papers, loose-leaf bound for easy and convenient usage ◊A practical reference tool that helps students better prepared for the HKDSE Physics Examination (Compulsory Part) ◊Helps students identify their weaknesses and improve their performance on topics with which they are less familiar through intensive practice ◊Detailed explanations to MC questions to help students clarify confusing concepts and clear up misconceptions ◊Steps of calculations are clearly shown in the marking scheme to enhance students' ability to perform mathematical operations ◊Bolsters students' confidence in answering different exam questions ◊Helps students excel in the real exams
5** Mock

5** 文憑試 模擬試題 中國語文 卷一 閱讀能力

5** DSE Mock Paper Mathematics (Compulsory Part)

5** 文憑試 模擬試題 企業、會計與財務概論 必修部分

5** 文憑試 模擬試題 企業、會計與財務概論 會計單元

5** DSE Mock Paper BAFS (Accounting Module)

5** DSE Mock Paper BAFS (Compulsory Part)

5** 文憑試 模擬試題 經濟 必修部分+選修部分

5** DSE Mock Paper Economics (Compulsory Part + Elective Part)

5** 文憑試 模擬試題 生物 必修部分

5** DSE Mock Paper Biology (Compulsory Part)

5** 文憑試 模擬試題 化學 必修部分

5** DSE Mock Paper Chemistry (Compulsory Part)

5** 文憑試 模擬試題 物理 必修部分

5** DSE Mock Paper Physics (Compulsory Part)

5** DSE Mock Paper Liberal Studies

5** 文憑試 模擬試題 通識教育

5** 文憑試 模擬試題 數學 必修部分

5** DSE Mock Paper English Language (Paper 1 Reading)

5** DSE Mock Paper Mathematics (Module 2)

Flyee Leung 作者作品表

5** DSE Mock Paper Physics (Compulsory Part)

5** 文憑試 模擬試題 物理 必修部分

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