Economics 600
作者: Koyi Ko, Justin Fan 
系列: x00 MC
書城編號: 1252551

售價: $100.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 7 天

出版社: Hong Kong Joint-Us Press Ltd.
頁數: 297
尺寸: 190mmx260mmx20mm
重量: 800.00 grams
ISBN: 9789887710219

•About the book ◊Economics 600 is a comprehensive exercise in the format of MC questions specially written for students sitting for the HKDSE Economics. ◊Providing full coverage of the new curriculum (compulsory part), this book serves as a useful tool for students to gain an insight into the subject, in the hope of helping them achieve a satisfactory result in the public examination.
x00 MC

Integrated Science 400 - F2

Integrated Science 400 - F1

Integrated Science 400 - F3

企業、會計與財務概論 600

經濟 600

生物 800

化學 1000

數學 1000

Chemistry 1000

Mathematics 1000

BAFS 600

Economics 600

Biology 800

Physics 1000

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