•English for Junior Form Students is a series of English exercises tailor-made for Form 1 to Form 3 students. The exercises include open cloze passage, MC cloze passage, proofreading and reading comprehension. While the former 3 are for foundation building, the latter one, being in the format similar to the new HKDSE English Language sample paper, aims to let students get familiarised with the new question style at an earlier stage. Through these exercises, students will be better prepared for the future challenges when they are promoted to senior forms (F4-F6).•English for Junior Form Students 是為中一至中三同學度身訂造的英文練習,書中包括校對題(proofreading)、填充題、多項選擇填充題及閱讀理解。前三項練習能為同學打好基礎,而閱讀理解的設題方式則與文憑試英文科樣本試卷相若,讓同學可在初中階段熟悉文憑試新題型。藉着完成這些練習,同學定能有更充分的準備,迎接日後高中課程的挑戰。