Truth About Love and Dukes (Paperback)
作者: Laura Lee Guhrke 
書城編號: 1255445

原價: HK$80.00
現售: HK$76 節省: HK$4

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出版日期: 2017/03/28
尺寸: 175x122x26mm
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9780062469854
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USA Today bestselling author Laura Lee Guhrke's continues her Victorian-era historical series with the tale of an affair gone wrong--and a second act for true love.

Henry, Duke of Torquil, wouldn't be caught reading the wildly popular "Dear Lady Truelove" column, but when its advice causes his mother to embark on a scandalous elopement, an outraged Henry decides the author of this tripe must be stopped before she can ruin any more lives. Though Lady Truelove's identity is a closely guarded secret, Henry has reason to suspect the publisher of the notorious column, beautiful and provoking Irene Deverill, is also its author.

For Irene, it's easy to advise others to surrender to passion, but when she meets the Duke of Torquil, she soon learns that passion comes at a price. When one impulsive, spur-of-the-moment kiss pulls her into a scorching affair with Henry, it could destroy her beloved newspaper, her career, and her independence. But in the duke's arms, surrender is so, so sweet . . .

Laura Lee Guhrke 作者作品表

Lady Scandal (Paperback)

Bookshop Cinderella (Mass Market Paperbound)

Bookshop Cinderella ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

Bookshop Cinderella (Paperback)

Heiress Gone Wild (Paperback)

eBook: Heiress Gone Wild: Dear Lady Truelove (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Governess Gone Rogue: Dear Lady Truelove (DRM EPUB)

Governess Gone Rogue (Paperback)

eBook: Trouble with True Love: Dear Lady Truelove (DRM EPUB)

Trouble with True Love (Paperback)

eBook: Truth About Love and Dukes: Dear Lady Truelove (DRM EPUB)

Truth About Love and Dukes (Paperback)

No Mistress of Mine (Paperback)

eBook: Catch a Falling Heiress: An American Heiress in London (DRM EPUB)

Catch a Falling Heiress (Paperback)

eBook: Guilty Series (DRM EPUB)

How to Lose a Duke in Ten Days: An American Heiress in London, 1st Edition

eBook: How to Lose a Duke in Ten Days: An American Heiress in London (DRM EPUB)

How to Lose a Duke in Ten Days: An American Heiress in London

eBook: When The Marquess Met His Match: An American Heiress in London (DRM EPUB)

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