Fibrous Filter Media (Hardcover)
作者: Philip Brown 
書城編號: 1255672

售價: $2940.00

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出版社: Elsevier Science & Technology
出版日期: 2017/06/20
尺寸: 229x152x53mm
重量: 0.75 kg
ISBN: 9780081005736
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Fibrous Filter Media comprehensively covers the types, manufacture, applications, performance, and modeling of fibrous filter media. Part I introduces the principles of gas and liquid filtration, while Part II presents an overview of the types of fibrous filters, including details of fiber types, fabric construction, and applications.

Part III covers a variety of filtration applications in which fibrous assemblies are used, with examples ranging from filtration for improving air quality, to medical filters, to industrial waste-water filtration. Finally, Part III covers the properties and performance of fibrous filters, including chapters on filter performance and simulation.

With its expert editors and international team of contributors, this important book provides information on fibrous filters relevant to fiber and textile scientists, and is also ideal for academics and industry professionals working in the field of filtration.

Dr. Philip Brown is Sweetenburg Professor of polymer and textile engineering at Clemson University, USA. Dr. Christopher Cox is Professor of mathematical sciences at Clemson University, USA.

Philip Brown 作者作品表

Expressing Love with Words: Change Lives with words (Paperback)

The Colours of Cricket (Hardcover)

Fibrous Filter Media (Hardcover)

Mayweather The Making Of Money: Sensational Story Of Floyd Mayweather (Paperback)

eBook: Financial Accounting and Equity Markets: Selected Essays of Philip Brown (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Financial Accounting and Equity Markets: Selected Essays of Philip Brown (DRM PDF)

Financial Accounting and Equity Markets: Selected Essays of Philip Brown (hardcover)

eBook: Franky Franklyn's Philadelphia Adventure (DRM EPUB)

The Global Auction: The Broken Promises of Education, Jobs, and Incomes (Hardcover)

A Field Guide to Snakes of California (Paperback)

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