Awake in the Dark (Paperback)
作者: Roger Ebert 
分類: Film theory & criticism  
書城編號: 1258667

原價: HK$230.00
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出版社: Yale University Press
出版日期: 2017/04/06
尺寸: 230x155x29mm
重量: 0.72 kg
ISBN: 9780226460864

For nearly half a century, Roger Ebert's wide knowledge, keen judgment, prodigious energy, and sharp sense of humor made him America's most renowned and beloved film critic. From Ebert's Pulitzer Prize to his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, from his astonishing output of daily reviews to his pioneering work on television with Gene Siskel, his was a career in cinema criticism without peer.

Arriving fifty years after Ebert published his first film review in 1967, this second edition of Awake in the Dark collects Ebert's essential writings into a single, irresistible volume. Featuring new Top Ten Lists and reviews of the years' finest films through 2012, this edition allows both fans and film buffs to bask in the best of an extraordinary lifetime's work. Including reviews from The Godfather to GoodFellas and interviews with everyone from Martin Scorsese to Meryl Streep, as well as showcasing some of Ebert's most admired essays--among them a moving appreciation of John Cassavetes and a loving tribute to the virtues of black-and-white films--Ebert's Awake in the Dark is a treasure trove not just for fans of this era-defining critic, but for anyone desiring a compulsively readable chronicle of the silver screen.

Stretching from the dramatic rise of rebel Hollywood and the heyday of the auteur to the triumph of blockbuster films such as Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark, to the indie revolution that is still with us today, Awake in the Dark reveals a writer whose exceptional intelligence and daily bursts of insight and enthusiasm helped shape the way we think about the movies. But more than this, Awake in the Dark is a celebration of Ebert's inimitable voice--a voice still cherished and missed.

Roger Ebert 作者作品表

Herzog by Ebert (Hardcover)

Awake in the Dark (Paperback)

Two Weeks in the Midday Sun: A Cannes Notebook (Paperback)

eBook: I Hated, Hated, Hated This Movie (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2007 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ebert's Bests (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2013: 25th Anniversary Edition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 30 Movies to Get You Through the Holidays: Ebert's Essentials (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 30 Movies to Get You Through the Holidays: Ebert's Essentials (DRM EPUB)

Life Itself (Hardcover)

eBook: 25 Movies to Mend a Broken Heart: Ebert's Essentials (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 27 Movies from the Dark Side: Ebert's Essentials (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 25 Movies to Mend a Broken Heart: Ebert's Essentials (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 25 Great French Films: Ebert's Essentials (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Horrible Experience of Unbearable Length: More Movies That Suck (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Horrible Experience of Unbearable Length: More Movies That Suck (DRM EPUB)

Life Itself: A Memoir, 1st Edition

Life Itself: A Memoir

eBook: Great Movies II (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Your Movie Sucks (DRM EPUB)

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