Matthew's Presentation of the Son of David (Hardcover)
作者: H. Daniel Zacharias 
書城編號: 1264851

售價: $1750.00

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出版社: Bloomsbury Academic T&T Clark
出版日期: 2016/12/01
尺寸: 243x161x23mm
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9780567670779


H. Daniel Zacharias presents a literary-critical analysis of the Gospel of Matthew and its interaction with Davidic tradition and use of Davidic typology. Throughout the narrative, the evangelist makes pervasive use of Davidic tradition from the Old Testament in his portrayal of Jesus. This begins from the first verse and the declaration that Jesus is the Son of David, and culminates in Jesus' usage of Psalm 22's Davidic lament on the cross. Davidic material is present throughout Matthew, in allusion, in specific citations, in thematic material. In addition, Matthew makes use of Davidic typology numerous times, with David as type and Jesus as anti-type.

Zacharias shows how the use of Davidic material presents to the reader a scripturally-grounded redefinition of what it means for Jesus to be the Son of David: not as a violent militant leader, as some expected, but as a physical descendant of David, a healing shepherd, and a humble king. Within the Gospel, Matthew utilizes Davidic typology to show how the Son of David even has similar experiences as his royal predecessor. Even David's own words from the psalms are utilized as testimony to the legitimacy of Jesus as the Davidic Messiah.

H. Daniel Zacharias 作者作品表

Matthew's Presentation of the Son of David (Hardcover)

Raise Up to Them Their King (Paperback)

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