Logo-a-gogo (Hardcover)
作者: Rian Hughes 
分類: Graphic design  
書城編號: 1270737

售價: $490.00

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出版社: Korero Press
出版日期: 2018/06/01
尺寸: 225x225x28mm
重量: 1.95 kg
ISBN: 9780993337420


For more than 20 years, Rian Hughes has been a versatile designer, illustrator and lettering artist working for international clients in the fields of publishing, music, sports, telecommunications, fashion and more. He has specialized in creating logo designs for the comic industry, notably for DC and Marvel products, including Batman and Robin, Batgirl, the X-Men, Captain America, Wolverine, The Spirit, The Invisibles, Shade the Changing Man, and The Atom. He has also designed logos for posters, CDs, and clothing, and produced branding for clients such as Hasbro, the Cartoon Network, Virgin Airways, Eurostar, and the BBC. This compendium is packed full of the best of his logo designs and offers an insight into the creative process behind his work. Preliminary sketches are shown alongside the final design, and accompanied by author commentary. An essential reference for designers to draw on in branding and other graphic design projects, the book will also fascinate anyone interested in contemporary culture. This is as good as it gets for those looking for a source of cool and inspirational logo design.

Rian Hughes 作者作品表

Rayguns and Rocketships: Revised Edition: Vintage Science Fiction Book Cover Art (2nd ed.) (Hardcover)

The Black Locomotive (Paperback)

XX: A Novel, Graphic (Paperback)

The Black Locomotive (Paperback)

The Black Locomotive (Hardcover)

XX (Hardcover)

Logo-a-gogo (Hardcover)

I Am A Number (Hardcover)

Custom Lettering of the 20s and 30s (Paperback)

Get Mapmaking (Paperback)

Get Lettering (Paperback)

Soho Dives, Soho Divas (Hardcover)

Soho Dives Soho Divas (Paperback)

Lifestyle Illustration of the 50s (Paperback)

Lifestyle Illustration of the 50s (Hardcover)

Tales from Beyond Science (Hardcover)

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