Silver Lining (Paperback)
作者: Sandi Toksvig 
書城編號: 1275769

售價: $160.00

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出版日期: 2017/02/03
尺寸: 197x130x6mm
重量: 0.1 kg
ISBN: 9781350038240
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How unbelievably dull my life was. I did everything I was supposed to. I was such a good girl. I lived in the house he chose and cleaned a dead woman's furniture. I bought hats, who the hell wears a hat? And all the time I wanted to scream because I was so bored.

On one dark and stormy night in the upper day room of the Silver Retirement Home, five elderly women are trading stories of their remarkable (or sometimes unremarkable) lives. With the storm floods rising and no rescue team in sight, the ladies are faced with the sudden realisation that in order to survive they are going to have to do what they have done for their entire lives - do it themselves!

Silver Lining is a hilarious comedy by Sandi Toksvig. It tells the tale of a group of extraordinary yet forgotten women, who come together one treacherous night to recreate The Great Escape - senior-citizen style.

It received its world premiere at the Rose Theatre, Kingston, on 3 February 2017 in a production by English Touring Theatre and Rose Theatre, Kingston.

Sandi Toksvig 作者作品表





Friends of Dorothy: The funny and brilliant new novel from the star of QI - an instant Sunday Times bestseller (Paperback)

eBook: Friends of Dorothy: The funny and brilliant new novel from the star of QI (DRM EPUB)

Friends of Dorothy: The funny and brilliant new novel from the star of QI (Hardcover)

Friends of Dorothy (Paperback)

Toksvig's Atlas: Eclectic Ramblings Around the World (Hardcover)

Between The Stops (paperback)

eBook: Toksvig's Almanac 2021: An Eclectic Meander Through the Historical Year by Sandi Toksvig (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hitler's Canary (mp3 zips)

eBook: Between the Stops: The View of My Life from the Top of the Number 12 Bus: the long-awaited memoir from the star of QI and The Great British Bak

Between the Stops: The View of My Life from the Top of the Number 12 Bus: the long-awaited memoir from the star of QI and The Great British Bake Off (

Untitled Memoir 1 (Hardcover)

End of the Sky (Paperback)

eBook: End of the Sky (DRM EPUB)

End of the Sky (Hardcover)

Silver Lining (Paperback)

Slice of the Moon (Paperback)

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