Kirby (Paperback)
作者: Mark Evanier 
分類: Individual artists, art monographs ,
Comic book & cartoon art  
書城編號: 1278481

原價: HK$270.00
現售: HK$256.5 節省: HK$13.5

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出版社: Abrams
出版日期: 2017/08/01
尺寸: 260x190x19mm
重量: 0.93 kg
ISBN: 9781419727498
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Filled with stunning artwork, this gloriously illustrated biography of comics pioneer Jack Kirby by an artist who worked closely with him is "a treasure."* Includes an introduction by Neil Gaiman

"A landmark work, this is essential reading for comics fans and those who want to better understand the history of the comics medium--or those who just want to enjoy Kirby's incredible artwork." --Publishers Weekly

Jack Kirby played a major role in shaping the superhero genre, not only through his innovative, dynamic artwork but through collaborating with Stan Lee to create classic Marvel characters like the Fantastic Four, the Hulk and the X-Men.

As a teenager, future television and comics writer Mark Evanier became an assistant to Kirby. Evanier has now written this magnificently illustrated biography of his mentor. Evanier tells Kirby's life story in an informal, entertaining manner and brings Kirby's personality vividly alive: a child of the Great Depression, a creative visionary who struggled most of his life to support his family.

Kirby: King of Comics recounts how Kirby was insufficiently appreciated by clueless corporate executives and close-minded comics professionals. But the stunning artwork in this book, taken from private collections, makes the case for Kirby's genius.

*The Cleveland Plain Dealer

Mark Evanier 作者作品表

Garfield: Full Course 3 (Paperback)

Garfield: Full Course (Paperback)

Jack Kirby's Dingbat Love (Hardcover)

Grumpy Cat & Garfield (Hardcover)

Kirby (Paperback)

Garfield (Paperback)

Art of the Simon and Kirby Studio (Hardcover)

Rocky & Bullwinkle (Paperback)

Star Wars (Paperback)

Spirit (Paperback)

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