Sleepy Book (Hardcover)
作者: Charlotte Zolotow 
分類: Picture storybooks ,
Interest age: from c 3 years  
書城編號: 1281739

原價: HK$182.00
現售: HK$172.9 節省: HK$9.1

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出版社: The Bodleian Library
出版日期: 2016/11/15
尺寸: 254x205x12mm
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781851244577

Bears spend the winter months slumbering deep in dark caves. But they're not the only wild animals with strange sleep habits. Horses do it standing up in stalls or fields, their tails switching at troublesome flies. Seals like to stretch out their flippers when settling in to sleep. And your dog or cat probably curls up quite happily in a cozy box or basket.

Sleepy Book by Charlotte Zolotow invites young readers to explore bedtime in fields, forests, and other places animals make their homes. In the book, children will find many familiar favorites, like a flock of birds huddled for warmth, but they're also sure to make new friends, from a snowy crane standing on one long leg to a tiny black spider fast asleep in its web. Each facing page contains a beautiful illustration by Vladimir Bobri.

Originally published in 1958, Sleepy Book is one of the most recent additions to the Bodleian Library's children's book imprint, and it's the perfect story to read before saying goodnight.

Charlotte Zolotow 作者作品表

In My Garden (hardcover)

Bunny Who Found Easter Gift Edition (Hardcover)

Sleepy Book (Hardcover)

Say it! (Paperback)

Say it! (Hardcover)

Changes: A Child's First Poetry Collection (Hardcover)

Mr Rabbit And The Lovely Present (Paperback)

The Bunny Who Found Easter (Revised 2005) (paperback)

The Seashore Book (paperback)

William's Doll (paperback)

The Quarreling Book

Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present (paperback)

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