Road to Murder (Paperback)
作者: Adam Lynes 
分類: Hoaxes & deceptions ,
Crime & criminology  
書城編號: 1283208

原價: HK$315.00
現售: HK$299.25 節省: HK$15.75

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出版社: Waterside Press
出版日期: 2017/04/05
尺寸: 234x157x14mm
重量: 414 grams
ISBN: 9781909976375
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Why do serial killers gravitate towards certain kinds of occupation? Why do they pursue certain types of victim? How do they leave the radar and remain hidden? Through his wide knowledge of the topic honed at one of Britain's leading centres for criminological studies, Adam Lynes demonstrates how theory, practice, profiling and behaviour intertwine to identify the kind of people we should fear (and especially if we are vulnerable to predators). The book also looks at those personality-types most likely to become serial killers whilst hiding in plain sight. From Britain's serial killing studies centre of excellence. Looks in depth at eight of Britain's serial killer drivers, dealing with some of the most notorious crimes of modern times. A fresh and uniquely interesting perspective. Demonstrates the links between mobility, transience, recognisance, predatory behaviour and acting out murderous fantasies.

Adam Lynes 作者作品表

Crimes of the Powerful and the Contemporary Condition: The Democratic Republic of Capitalism (Hardcover)

Crimes of the Powerful and the Contemporary Condition: The Democratic Republic of Capitalism (Paperback)

50 facts everyone should know about crime and punishment in (Paperback)

Road to Murder (Paperback)

eBook: Road to Murder (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Road to Murder (DRM PDF)

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