Grow Your Own Fruit (Hardcover)
作者: Jane Eastoe 
分類: Smallholdings ,
Gardening: growing fruit & vegetables ,
書城編號: 1284803

原價: HK$98.00
現售: HK$93.1 節省: HK$4.9

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出版社: ANOVA National Trust Books
出版日期: 2017/06/01
尺寸: 195x136x15mm
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9781911358060

Growing your own fruit can be a rewarding pastime and you don't need a big garden to cultivate your favorite fruit. This beautiful and practical guide celebrates the produce of orchards and gardens, and each fruit entry reveals all you need to know about growing and harvesting.
Jane Eastoe 作者作品表

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