The Missing Sister (Paperback)
作者: Elle Marr 
書城編號: 12997547

原價: HK$160.00
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出版社: Thomas & Mercer
出版日期: 2020/04/01
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9781542006057


An Amazon Charts bestseller.

In Paris, her twin sister has vanished, leaving behind three chilling words: Trust no one.

Shayna Darby is finally coming to terms with her parents' deaths when she's delivered another blow. The body of her estranged twin sister, Angela--the possible victim of a serial killer--has been pulled from the Seine. Putting what's left of her life on hold, Shayna heads to Paris. But while cleaning out Angela's apartment, Shayna makes a startling discovery: a coded message meant for her alone...

Alive. Trust no one.

Taking the warning to heart, Shayna maintains the lie. She makes a positive ID on the remains and works to find out where--and why--her missing sister is hiding. Shayna retraces her sister's footsteps, and they lead her down into Paris's underbelly.

As she gets closer to the truth--and to the killer--Shayna's own life may now be in the balance...

Elle Marr 作者作品表

Your Dark Secrets (Paperback)

The Alone Time (Compact Disc)

The Alone Time (MP3 CD)

The Alone Time (Paperback)

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