The Deadly Mystery of the Missing Diamonds (Paperback)
作者: T. E. Kinsey 
分類: Crime & mystery ,
Historical mysteries  
書城編號: 12997849

原價: HK$160.00
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出版社: Thomas & Mercer
出版日期: 2021/03/04
ISBN: 9781542020787


Missing diamonds. Mysterious deaths. And all that jazz.

London, 1925. With their band the Dizzy Heights, jazz musicians Ivor 'Skins' Maloney and Bartholomew 'Barty' Dunn are used to improvising as they play the Charleston for flappers and toffs, but things are about to take a surprising turn.

Superintendent Sunderland has had word that a deserter who stole a fortune in diamonds as he fled the war is a member of the Aristippus private members' club in Mayfair--where the Dizzy Heights have a residency. And the thief is planning to steal a hoard of jewels hidden there under the cover of a dance contest.

As mutual pal Lady Hardcastle has suggested, Skins and Dunn are perfectly placed to be Sunderland's eyes and ears--and Skins's wife Ellie soon lends a hand with a bit of light snooping. But the stakes change dramatically when a mysterious death at the club brings a sinister note to the investigation.

With the dance contest fast approaching, the trio must solve the mystery of the missing diamonds, unmask the murderer, and prevent more deadly crimes--all without missing a beat.

T. E. Kinsey 作者作品表

An Assassination on the Agenda (Compact Disc)

An Assassination on the Agenda (MP3 CD)

A Fire at the Exhibition (MP3 CD)

A Fire at the Exhibition (Compact Disc)

An Act of Foul Play (Compact Disc)

An Act of Foul Play (MP3 CD)

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