Hard Vengeance (Paperback)
作者: J. B. Turner 
分類: Thriller / suspense  
書城編號: 12997932

原價: HK$126.00
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出版社: Thomas & Mercer
出版日期: 2021/01/14
ISBN: 9781542025348


When the people he loves most are in danger, Jon Reznick will get revenge...or die trying.

When black-ops specialist Jon Reznick receives a voice mail from FBI assistant director Martha Meyerstein, hoping to explore their relationship outside of the federal government, Jon starts to imagine a new future, one where he can leave his past behind. But an unhinged killer with a grudge has other plans. He's setting a trap for Reznick, one he knows the operative won't be able to resist.

In a picturesque fishing village on the Mediterranean coast, a luxury yacht has gone up in flames. Was it a terrible accident or something much more sinister? Jon Reznick must travel overseas, to find out what's happened to Martha and seek revenge on the psychopath who has put Reznick's entire future in jeopardy.

Jon will need all the help he can get to bring him to justice. Fresh out of Quantico, Reznick's daughter, Lauren, joins him against his wishes, along with hacker Trevelle Williams. But government operatives from across the globe have descended on this quiet vacation destination and will stop at nothing to prevent the truth from coming out.

J. B. Turner 作者作品表

Hard Power (MP3 CD)

Hard Power (Compact Disc)

Hard Exit (Paperback)

Hard Exit (Compact Disc)

Hard Exit (MP3 CD)

Long Way Home (Compact Disc)

Long Way Home (Paperback)

Long Way Home (MP3 CD)

eBook: Mormonism in All Ages: Or the Rise, Progress, and Causes of Mormonism With the Biography of Its Author and Founder, Joseph Smith (DRM PDF)

eBook: Plan for an Industrial University for the State of Illinois: Submitted to the Farmers' Convention at Granville, Held November 18, 1851 (DRM PDF

Dark Waters (Compact Disc)

Dark Waters (MP3 CD)

Miami Requiem (Compact Disc)

Miami Requiem (MP3 CD)

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