Teaching, Learning, and Trauma, Grades 6-12: Responsive Practices for Holding Steady in Turbulent Times (Paperback)
作者: Brooke O'Drobinak 
書城編號: 13052558

售價: $400.00

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出版社: Corwin Pr Inc
出版日期: 2020/07/23
重量: 0.38 kg
ISBN: 9781544362892
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Transform challenging classroom experiences into opportunities for lasting student-teacher relationships, professional growth, and student engagement

In Teaching, Learning, and Trauma, the authors guide you through the process of creating a learning environment that combats the negative effects of chronic stress and trauma. They show you how to establish rituals and routines, develop personalization, and implement effective student engagement practices that create a relationship-based culture and effectively improve student achievement. This book includes:

- Self-assessment tools to help teachers make informed decisions

- Examples of self-care plans and schoolwide policies for maintaining healthy boundaries in and out of school

- Real-world vignettes and samples of teacher work

- Planning documents and reflection questions to guide educators in identifying strengths and growth areas

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