Lullaby (for a Black Mother)
作者: Langston Hughes 
書城編號: 1307377

原價: HK$200.00
現售: HK$190 節省: HK$10

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出版社: HMH Books for Young Readers
出版日期: 2013/03/19
頁數: 32
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9780547362656


With graceful words as smooth as a song, the poet Langston Hughes celebrates the love between a mother and her baby. This picture book edition is a gift to share.

Award-winning illustrator Sean Qualls's painted and collaged artwork captures universally powerful maternal moments with tenderness. In the end, readers will find a rare photo of baby Hughes and his mother, a biographical note, further reading, and the complete lullaby. Like little love-ones, this beautiful book is a treasure.

"My little dark baby, / My little earth-thing, / My little love-one, / What shall I sing / For your lullaby?"

Langston Hughes 作者作品表

Blues in Stereo: The Early Works of Langston Hughes (Paperback)

Blues in Stereo: The Early Works of Langston Hughes (Hardcover)

Fine Clothes to the Jew (Hardcover)

The Mule-Bone; A comedy of Negro life in three acts (Paperback)

Aunt Sue's Stories (Hardcover)

The Weary Blues: Large Print Edition ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

Not Without Laughter: Langston Hughes: Langston Hughes (Paperback)

Not Without Laughter: Langston Hughes: Langston Hughes (Hardcover)

Gather Up Yo' Fine Clothes (Paperback)

The Mule-Bone (Paperback)

eBook: Ways of White Folks (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Not Without Laughter (DRM EPUB)

Not Without Laughter (Paperback)

The Ways of White Folks (Paperback)

Where the Jazz Band Plays - The Weary Blues - Poetry by Langston Hughes (Paperback)

Where the Jazz Band Plays - The Weary Blues - Poetry by Langston Hughes (Hardcover)

The Weary Blues (Hardcover)

Not Without Laughter (Paperback)

The Ways of White Folks (Paperback)

Not Without Laughter (Hardcover)

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