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Australia Vote on Same-sex Marriage Begins
September 13
Australians began receiving their postal 1)ballots on 2)legalizing gay marriage on Tuesday as a new opinion poll showed that most of those who plan to vote are in favor of marriage 3)equality. The previous weekend saw 4)rallies for and against changing marriage laws, with thousands of people dressed in rainbow colors marching in Sydney on Sunday in support of the “yes” vote. More than 16 million voters among Australia’s population of 24 million will be receiving ballots in the coming weeks requesting their opinion on whether same-sex couples should be allowed to marry.
Most 5)advocates of same-sex marriage believe that the 98 million dollar postal survey is a waste of money, and want Parliament to reform the law without further delay. A poll published on Tuesday found that 70 percent of those who plan to take part in the survey would support gay marriage. If the survey results show that most Australians approve of gay marriage, Parliament will vote no later than December on 6)legislation to end the 7)prohibition on gay marriage. Several lawmakers have said, however, that they would vote against marriage equality regardless of public opinion.
1) ballot (n.) 選票
It will take several days for all the ballots to be counted.
2) legalize (v.) (使)合法化
Jamaica is considering legalizing marijuana.
3) equality (n.) 平等
Women are still struggling for equality in the workplace.
4) rally (n.)(政治)集會,大會
The opposition party is holding a rally tonight.
5) advocate (n.) 提倡者,擁護者
The new media law has been criticized by free speech advocates.
6) legislation (n.) 立法,法律
The government introduced legislation to improve the education system.
7) prohibition (n.) 禁止,禁酒
In many countries, there is increasing debate about drug prohibition.
For 贊成的聲音
「自由、平等、博愛」是幾乎人人認同的普世價值(universal value),而爭取同志平權人士認為:平等就是平等,不論階級、種族、性別⋯⋯都不應有貴賤高低之分,任何宣稱自己信仰平等,卻認為某一群人不應享有與自己相同的權利,那還叫平等嗎?
Gay couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples, including the right to marry.
Because people are born gay, not allowing them to marry is discrimination based on a biological trait.
Allowing same-sex marriage doesn’t harm anyone, so there’s no reason to prohibit it.
Against 反對的聲音
In most religions, homosexuality is considered a sin.
Allowing gay couples to marry may weaken respect for the institution of marriage.
Gay marriage goes against traditional family values.
It’s best for children to be raised by their own mother and father, and gay couples can’t procreate.
For 贊成的對話
A: Are you in favor of marriage equality?
B: Yes, definitely. I have lots of gay friends, and it’s not fair to deny them the same rights that other people have.
A: Exactly. I was so glad when gay marriage was legalized in the U.S.
B: I felt the same way when same-sex marriage was legalized in Taiwan.
A: Wow, I didn’t know that. I thought Asian countries were really conservative.
B: Yeah. Taiwan is the first country in Asia to allow gay marriage.
Against 反對的對話
A: I hear same-sex marriage is legal in the States now.
B: Yes, unfortunately. And we didn’t even get to vote on it.
A: So I guess you don’t support gay marriage.
B: No. I’m Catholic, and it says in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin.
A: But doesn’t God forgive people for their sins?
B: Yes, if you repent. But that doesn’t mean the government should pass laws that encourage people to sin.
Head to Head 正反交鋒
A: Australia’s going to vote on gay marriage soon, and it looks like it’s gonna be legalized.
B: That’s great news. I’m a big believer in marriage equality.
A: I’m totally against it. I think marriage should be between a man and a woman.
B: But don’t you think gay couples should have the same rights as other couples?
A: No. The point of marriage is to have children, and gay couples can’t have kids.
B: Maybe, but they can adopt kids if they’re allowed to get married.
A: 澳洲很快就要表決同性婚姻,看來是會合法化。
B: 真是好消息。我非常支持婚姻平權。
A: 我完全反對。我認為婚姻應是一男一女的結合。
B: 但你不覺得同性伴侶應該跟其他夫妻擁有同樣的權益?
A: 不。婚姻的目的就是生小孩,同性伴侶無法生育。
B: 或許吧,但他們若能結婚,就可以收養小孩。