Re-Imagining DEFA (Hardcover)
作者: Sean Allan 
書城編號: 1311473

原價: HK$1450.00
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出版社: Berghahn Books
出版日期: 2016/09/28
尺寸: 232x158x25mm
重量: 0.63 kg
ISBN: 9781785331077
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By the time the Berlin Wall collapsed, the cinema of the German Democratic Republic-to the extent it was considered at all-was widely regarded as a footnote to European film history, with little of enduring value. Since then, interest in East German cinema has exploded, inspiring innumerable festivals, books, and exhibits on the GDR's rich and varied filmic output. In Re-Imagining DEFA, leading international experts take stock of this vibrant landscape and plot an ambitious course for future research, one that considers other cinematic traditions, brings genre and popular works into the fold, and encompasses DEFA's complex post-unification "afterlife."

Sean Allan 作者作品表

eBook: Screening Art: Modernist Aesthetics and the Socialist Imaginary in East German Cinema (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Screening Art: Modernist Aesthetics and the Socialist Imaginary in East German Cinema (DRM PDF)

Re-Imagining DEFA (Paperback)

Re-Imagining DEFA (Hardcover)

DEFA (Paperback)

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