The Spirit's Tether: Eight Lives in Ministry (Paperback)
作者: Malcolm L. Warford 
書城編號: 13186543

售價: $320.00

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出版社: Alban Inst
出版日期: 2011/06/03
ISBN: 9781566994156
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The Spirit's Tether: Eight Lives in Ministry tells the stories of eight men and women from their days as students at Union Theological Seminary in New York through their work today as pastors in local congregations over thirty years later. Since 1976 when they entered Union, Malcolm L. Warford has documented their experiences, first in theological education and then through their ministries. Finally, he has asked them to reflect on their vocational journeys and express what their calling has meant to them personally and professionally. The book reveals eight richly textured narratives full of the insight, heartache, and delight that go hand in hand with the practice of ministry--unvarnished truths from eight who have been formed by this work and calling. The Spirit's Tether is a distinctive resource for ministers, congregational leaders, and those in theological education whose role it is to prepare women and men for their sojourns into ordained ministry.
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