Painting with Watercolor, Pen & Ink (Paperback)
作者: Claudia Nice 
書城編號: 13218820

原價: HK$270.00
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出版社: Northlight
出版日期: 2002/07/01
重量: 0.88 kg
ISBN: 9781581802658

Create worlds of incredible pen, ink and watercolor art with Claudia Nice

Let best-selling author and artist Claudia Nice show you how to create incredible art in pen, ink and watercolor. She makes it easy by covering all the drawing and painting basics--everything from materials and texture techniques to color theory and special effects. It's a one-of-a-kind course in making extraordinary art, from mastering value, contrast and definition to getting your surface techniques just right.

You'll never run out of ideas or challenges. Claudia provides guidelines, advice and techniques for rendering hundreds of your favorite places, environments and animals with the kind of detail you've only dreamed about. In fact, this incredible volume--a compilation collection some of the finest instruction from Claudia's best-selling books--contains enough instruction, inspiration and gorgeous art to keep you drawing, painting and enjoying the outdoors for years to come.

Claudia Nice 作者作品表

Painting Nature in Pen & Ink with Watercolor (Reprint) (Hardcover)

Discover Your World in Pen, Ink & Watercolor (Paperback)

eBook: Creating Textured Landscapes with Pen, Ink and Watercolor (DRM EPUB)

Drawing and Painting Trees in the Landscape (Hardcover)

eBook: Drawing & Painting Trees in the Landscape (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Painting Weathered Buildings in Pen, Ink & Watercolor (DRM EPUB)

eBook: How to See, How to Draw (DRM EPUB)

Creating Textured Landscapes with Pen, Ink and Watercolor (Hardcover)

Creating Textures in Pen and Ink with Watercolor (Paperback)

eBook: Creating Textures in Pen & Ink with Watercolor (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Watercolor Made Simple with Claudia Nice (DRM EPUB)

Sketching Your Favourite Subjects in Pen & Ink (Paperback)

eBook: How to Keep a Sketchbook Journal (DRM EPUB)

Drawing in Pen and Ink (Paperback)

eBook: Drawing in Pen & Ink (DRM EPUB)

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