Simply Cards: Over 100 Stylish Cards You Can Make in Minutes (0002) (Paperback)
作者: Sally Traidman 
書城編號: 13218837

原價: HK$240.00
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出版社: Northlight
出版日期: 2006/05/04
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9781581806748
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Over 100 stylish and fun handmade cards!

You really can craft a handmade card in a matter of moments. It's simple with Simply Cards! Sally Traidman offers a wealth of beautifully designed cards that are easy to make, but hard to forget. With step-by-step illustrations, complete material lists and plenty of insider tips, you'll be crafting fabulous cards in no time at all!

Using gorgeous papers, the latest inks and stamps and some of the coolest embellishments you'll find, these cards are a wonderful way to celebrate a special occasion, bring a bit of joy to everyday life, or send a holiday greeting. No experience is necessary with a quick-start guide and basic techniques.

Let Simply Cards be your guide to creating quick and easy beautiful cards!

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