Compensation and Self-Reliance (Paperback)
作者: Ralph Waldo Emerson 
書城編號: 13270586

售價: $140.00

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出版社: Cosimo Inc
出版日期: 2005/09/01
重量: 0.08 kg
ISBN: 9781596052802

"Man is his own star." - Ralph Waldo Emerson Probably no writer has so profoundly influenced American philosophy and literature, as did Emerson. Known as The Father of Transcendentalism, he was the focal point of a small group of intellectuals reacting against the orthodoxy of the established religions of his era. As an active lecturer in the early 1830s, he delivered a number of landmark lectures, most notably among them - Compensation and Self-Reliance, in which Emerson fervently declares man's inherent divinity. By positing that the way to realization lay solely within, man can be fulfilled only through one's own "self-induced and self-devised efforts." Marked by a deep compassion and insight, Compensation and Self-Reliance rings like a clarion-call - one Emerson intoned steadily throughout his life. Though his last years were marked by a decline in his mental powers, his reputation as one of the outstanding figures of American letters was all but assured by the time of his death. RALPH WALDO EMERSON, 1803-82, was an American poet and essayist. Universally known as the "Sage of Concord," Emerson established himself as a leading spokesman of transcendentalism and as a major figure in American literature. His additional works include a series of lectures published as Representative Men (1850), The Conduct of Life (1860), and Society and Solitude (1870).
Ralph Waldo Emerson 作者作品表

Society and Solitude (Paperback)

eBook: Conduct of Life (mp3 zips)

eBook: Emerson's Essays Volume 1 (mp3 zips)

eBook: Emerson's Essays Volume 2 (mp3 zips)

eBook: Society and Solitude (mp3 zips)

Nature, Addresses, and Lectures (Hardcover)

Nature, Addresses, and Lectures (Paperback)

Society and Solitude (Hardcover)

Society and Solitude (Paperback)

Society and Solitude (Hardcover)

May-Day (Paperback)

Essays. The Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson with General Index and a Memoir by James Elliot Cabot with Steel Portraits and Etchings: Vol. III (Paperback)

Emerson's Complete Works: Vol. VII (Paperback)

Emerson's Essays: The Complete First & Second Series (Hardcover)

Essays: First and Second Series (Hardcover)

Essays: First and Second Series (Paperback)

Emerson's Complete Works: Vol. VII (Hardcover)

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Essays (Paperback)

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