You Don't Know Me but I Know You (Hardcover)
作者: Rebecca Barrow 
書城編號: 1328487

原價: HK$180.00
現售: HK$171 節省: HK$9

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出版日期: 2017/08/29
尺寸: 147x214x29mm
重量: 0.41 kg
ISBN: 9780062494191
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Rebecca Barrow's bright, honest debut novel about chance, choice, and unconditional love is a heartfelt testament to creating the future you truly want, one puzzle piece at a time.

There's a box in the back of Audrey's closet that she rarely thinks about.

Inside is a letter, seventeen years old, from a mother she's never met, handed to her by the woman she's called Mom her whole life. Being adopted, though, is just one piece in the puzzle of Audrey's life--the picture painstakingly put together by Audrey herself, full of all the people and pursuits that make her who she is.

But when Audrey realizes that she's pregnant, she feels something--a tightly sealed box in the closet corners of her heart--crack open, spilling her dormant fears and unanswered questions all over the life she loves.

Almost two decades ago, a girl in Audrey's situation made a choice, one that started Audrey's entire story. Now Audrey is paralyzed by her own what-ifs and terrified by the distance she feels growing between her and her best friend Rose.

Down every possible path is a different unfamiliar version of her life, and as she weighs the options in her mind, she starts to wonder--what does it even mean to be Audrey Spencer?

Rebecca Barrow 作者作品表

The Tournament (Hardcover)

And Don't Look Back (Reprint) (Paperback)

eBook: And Don't Look Back (DRM EPUB)

eBook: And Don't Look Back (DRM EPUB)

And Don't Look Back (Paperback)

And Don't Look Back (Hardcover)

And Don't Look Back (Compact Disc)

Bad Things Happen Here (Reprint) (Paperback)

eBook: Bad Things Happen Here (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Bad Things Happen Here: this summer's hottest thriller (DRM EPUB)

Bad Things Happen Here: the heart-pounding thriller (Paperback)

eBook: Interview with the Vixen (mp3 zips)

Interview With the Vixen (Archie Horror, Book 2) (Paperback)

eBook: This Is What It Feels Like (DRM EPUB)

This Is What It Feels Like (Hardcover)

eBook: You Don't Know Me but I Know You (DRM EPUB)

You Don't Know Me but I Know You (Hardcover)

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