Still Life Before Still Life (Hardcover)
作者: David Ekserdjian 
分類: Renaissance art ,
Animals & nature in art (still life, landscapes & seascapes, etc) ,
c 1600 to c 1700  
書城編號: 1332405

售價: $450.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Yale University Press
出版日期: 2018/05/15
尺寸: 305x254x26mm
重量: 1.49 kg
ISBN: 9780300190175

A beautiful book that argues artists were fascinated by still life painting considerably earlier than previously thought

This eloquent and generously illustrated book asserts that artists were fascinated by and extremely skilled at still life significantly earlier than previously thought. Instead of the genre beginning in the early 17th century, noted scholar David Ekserdjian explores its origins in classical antiquity and the gradual re-emergence of still life in Renaissance painting. The author presents a visual anthology of finely executed flowers, fruit, food, household objects, and furnishings seen in the background of paintings. Paintings are reproduced in full and paired with detailed close-ups of still-life elements within the work.

Ekserdjian further examines both the artistic and symbolic significance of a chosen detail, as well as information about each artist's career. Featured works include radiant paintings from Renaissance greats such as Da Vinci, D rer, Holbein, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Van Eyck, as well as the work of less-celebrated masters Barth lemy d'Eyck and Ortolano.

David Ekserdjian 作者作品表

Still Life Before Still Life (Hardcover)

Bronze (Hardcover)

Treasures from Budapest (Hardcover)

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