Devotion (Hardcover)
作者: Patti Smith 
分類: Autobiography: literary ,
Literary studies: general ,
Gender studies: women  
書城編號: 1332451

原價: HK$160.00
現售: HK$152 節省: HK$8

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出版社: Yale University Press
出版日期: 2017/09/12
尺寸: 191x144x15mm
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9780300218626
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The National Book Award-winning author of Year of the Monkey, Just Kids, and M Train offers a rare, intimate account of her own creative process

"Devotion is short enough to devour at one enjoyable sitting and thought-provoking enough to deserve re-reading."--Suzi Feay, Financial Times

"Devotion shows rather than tells what it means to give a life to writing."--Katherine Cooper, Hyperallergic

A work of creative brilliance may seem like magic--its source a mystery, its impact unexpectedly stirring. How does an artist accomplish such an achievement, connecting deeply with an audience never met? In this groundbreaking book, one of our culture's beloved artists offers a detailed account of her own creative process, inspirations, and unexpected connections.

Patti Smith, a National Book Award-winning author, first presents an original and beautifully crafted tale of obsession--a young skater who lives for her art, a possessive collector who ruthlessly seeks his prize, a relationship forged of need both craven and exalted. She then takes us on a second journey, exploring the sources of her story. We travel through the South of France to Camus's house, and visit the garden of the great publisher Gallimard, where the ghosts of Mishima, Nabokov, and Genet mingle. Smith tracks down Simone Weil's grave in a lonely cemetery, hours from London, and winds through the nameless Paris streets of Patrick Modiano's novels. Whether writing in a caf

Patti Smith 作者作品表

UNEXPECTED LESSONS From Professor Higgins (Hardcover)

The Shingle Weaver's Picnic (Paperback)

UNEXPECTED LESSONS From Professor Higgins ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

A Book of Days (Paperback)

What Am I to Do Now?: Simple Strategies to Navigate the Unknown and Ignite What's Next in Your Life (Hardcover)

A Book of Days (Hardcover)

eBook: Book of Days (DRM EPUB)

Year Of The Monkey (paperback)

Auguries Of Innocence CD (Audio)

Just Kids illustrated (Hardcover)

Year of the Monkey (Hardcover)

eBook: Year of the Monkey (DRM EPUB)

Year of the Monkey (Hardcover)

Devotion (Paperback)

eBook: Devotion (mp3 zips)

Devotion (Hardcover)

Fido Felts (Hardcover)

M Train (Paperback)

M Train (paperback)

Patti Smith Collected Lyrics, 1970-2015 (Hardcover)

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