Deschooling the Imagination: Critical Thought as Social Practice (Hardcover)
作者: Eric J. Weiner 
分類: Philosophy & theory of education ,
Teaching of a specific subject  
書城編號: 13358567

售價: $1900.00

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出版社: Paradigm Publ
出版日期: 2014/08/30
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781612056968

"Deschooling the Imagination: Critical Thought as Social Practice" is, first, a book that looks at what it means to be actively engaged in developing a critical/creative mindset against the prevailing ideology of our public schools. Second, it is a book about the social/cultural relationship between what and how we learn on one hand and our imaginative capacities on the other. Finally, but equally important, it is a book about how teachers can teach in the service of a revived critical/creative imaginary. In short, you may be interested in reading this book if you are curious about examining the following questions in more depth: How can educators and those involved and/or invested in public education in the United States learn to think about curriculum, assessment, pedagogy, school structures, knowledge, power, identity, language/literacy, economics, creativity, human ecology, and our collective future in a way that escapes the over-determined discourses that inform current attitudes and practices of schooling? What are some of the tactics and strategies that teachers, students, parents, administrators, and policymakers can learn and enact in the service of a future that we can barely imagine?
Eric J. Weiner 作者作品表

eBook: Deschooling the Imagination: Critical Thought as Social Practice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Deschooling the Imagination: Critical Thought as Social Practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Shadow Market: How Sovereign Wealth Funds Secretly Dominate the Global Economy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Shadow Market: How a Group of Wealthy Nations and Powerful Investors Secretly Dominate the World (DRM EPUB)

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