Liberation Sociology (0003) (Hardcover)
作者: Joe R. Feagin 
分類: Sociology  
書城編號: 13358574

售價: $2400.00

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出版社: Paradigm Publ
出版日期: 2014/08/30
重量: 0.6 kg
ISBN: 9781612057231

Many people of all ages today continue to be attracted to sociology and other social sciences because of their promise to contribute to better political, social, and moral understandings of themselves and their social worlds-and often because they hope it will help them to build a better society. In a world of new movements and deepening economic inequality following the Great Recession, this new edition is vital. It features dozens of new examples from the latest research, with an emphasis on the next generation of liberation sociologists. The authors expand on the previous edition with the inclusion of sections on decolonisation paradigms in criminology, critical speciesism, and studies of environmental racism and environmental privilege. There is an expanded focus on participatory action research, and increased coverage of international liberation social scientists. Work by psychologists, anthropologists, theologians, historians, and others who have developed a liberation orientation for their disciplines is also updated and expanded.
Joe R. Feagin 作者作品表

eBook: White Minority Nation: Past, Present and Future (DRM EPUB)

eBook: White Minority Nation: Past, Present and Future (DRM PDF)

White Minority Nation: Past, Present and Future (Hardcover)

White Minority Nation: Past, Present and Future (Paperback)

eBook: White Racial Frame: Centuries of Racial Framing and Counter-Framing (DRM PDF)

eBook: White Racial Frame: Centuries of Racial Framing and Counter-Framing (DRM EPUB)

eBook: How Blacks Built America: Labor, Culture, Freedom, and Democracy (DRM PDF)

eBook: How Blacks Built America: Labor, Culture, Freedom, and Democracy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: White Racial Frame: Centuries of Racial Framing and Counter-Framing (DRM PDF)

eBook: White Racial Frame: Centuries of Racial Framing and Counter-Framing (DRM EPUB)

eBook: White Party, White Government: Race, Class, and U.S. Politics (DRM EPUB)

eBook: White Party, White Government: Race, Class, and U.S. Politics (DRM PDF)

White Party, White Government: Race, Class, and U.S. Politics (Hardcover)

White Party, White Government: Race, Class, and U.S. Politics

eBook: Racist America: Roots, Current Realities, and Future Reparations (DRM PDF)

Racist America: Roots, Current Realities, and Future Reparations, 2nd Edition

The New Urban Paradigm: Critical Perspectives on the City (Hardcover)

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