Windows 10 In Depth (includes Content Update Program) (Paperback)
作者: Brian Knittel 
分類: Computer hardware ,
Windows & variants  
書城編號: 1337982

原價: HK$518.00
現售: HK$492.1 節省: HK$25.9

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出版社: Pearson Que
出版日期: 2018/02/09
尺寸: 232x178x83mm
重量: 1.54 kg
ISBN: 9780789759771

Whether you have a traditional PC or a souped-up tablet with a touch screen, Windows 10 In Depth is just the guide you need to get through the learning curve and become a Windows 10 expert. The authors of Windows 10 In Depth have scaled the steepest part of the learning curve for you, and give you great guidance from the first page to the last, from your first hour with Windows 10, to long-term management and maintenance tasks.

This book is a reference with a great number of step-by-step procedures that take a Windows user through even the most complex configuration and management tasks. The book starts with an overview of what makes Windows 10 so different from previous - and often hated - versions of Windows, takes the reader on a guided tour of the most important interface changes and offers a bunch of critical tips and tricks, then delves into more advanced configuration and maintenance tasks. The later chapters of the book are usually seen as reference material, to be used when those hard-to-understand management tasks come up in the future.

Brian Knittel 作者作品表

Windows 10 In Depth (includes Content Update Program) (Paperback)

Windows 10 In Depth (includes Content Update Program)

Windows 8.1 In Depth (Paperback)

Windows 8 in Depth (Paperback)

Windows 7 and Vista Guide to Scripting, Automation, and Comm (Paperback)

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