Blind Justice (Paperback)
作者: S. N. Lewitt 
書城編號: 13388920

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Fantastic Books Inc
出版日期: 2011/08/23
重量: 0.31 kg
ISBN: 9781617203510


"The Mary Damned went into hell with her captain and crew. But she comes back where the void is black to catch the likes of you."

The legend was sung aboard the Justica's prison ships, and told in spaceport bars. But everyone knew that the Mary Damned was a ghost ship that never existed, just a tale to scare the planet-bound. No one believed it... except mile Saint-Just.

The last surviving member of her crew, Saint-Just is the only one who can plot a way to bring the Mary Damned home. And just maybe continue the revolution that her capture had begun.

Every revolution needs its legends--and its martyrs....

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