Becoming Rhetorical (Paperback)
作者: Jodie Nicotra 
書城編號: 1343440

售價: $870.00

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出版社: Cengage Learning
出版日期: 2017/10/05
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 0.64 kg
ISBN: 9781305956773

In your courses and career, you will compose essays, reports, photos, graphics, web pages, and more. BECOMING RHETORICAL gives you the tools and the training you need to create successful communications in all of these formats and in different situations. First you will learn tools of analysis -- ways to investigate different aspects of a situation that will guide you to respond in the best possible way. Then you will learn how to draw on the specific capabilities of each medium of composition -- words, still images, sounds, video -- to create compositions that affect your audience in the ways you intend. As you learn to analyze and compose, you will read examples annotated by the author to show you exactly how it is done, and practice on projects large and small. Whether you have to design a brochure or make a video, BECOMING RHETORICAL gives you the foundations to make it work.
Jodie Nicotra 作者作品表

Becoming Rhetorical: Analyzing and Composing in a Multimedia World, Loose-Leaf Version (0002) (Loose Leaf)

Becoming Rhetorical: Analyzing and Composing in a Multimedia World (with APA 2019 Update Card) (Mixed media product)

Bundle: Becoming Rhetorical: Analyzing and Composing in a Multimedia World, Loose-Leaf Version + Mindtap English, 1 Term (6 Months) Printed Access Car

Becoming Rhetorical (Paperback)

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