Sustainable Energy, SI Edition (Paperback)
作者: Richard A Dunlap 
書城編號: 1343976

售價: $1390.00

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出版社: Cengage Learning
出版日期: 2017/11/28
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 381 grams
ISBN: 9781337551670

Explore present and future energy needs as well as options for continued use of fossil fuels and alternative energy sources with Dunlap�s SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, 2nd Edition. Individual chapters thoroughly investigate each energy approach as the book covers both current energy production and future strategies. The author assumes you are familiar with basic concepts of freshman-level physics and chemistry. This edition emphasizes the complexity of energy issues and need for a multidisciplinary approach to solving energy problems. Quantitative end-of-chapter problems help you practice analyzing information, correlating data from various sources, and interpreting graphical data and interpolate values. You see real problems in producing and using energy as you realize that while exact calculations are important, a broad-based analysis is often most appropriate.
Richard A Dunlap 作者作品表

Generation IV Nuclear Reactors: Design, operation and prospects for future energy production (Hardcover)

Transportation Technologies for a Sustainable Future: Renewable energy options for road, rail, marine and air transportation (Hardcover)

eBook: Renewable Energy: Volumes 1 - 3 (DRM PDF)

Renewable Energy: Volumes 1 - 3 (Paperback)

Sustainable Energy, SI Edition (Paperback)

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