Essentials of Materials Science and Engineering, SI Edition (Paperback)
作者: Donald R Askeland 
分類: Materials science  
書城編號: 1343985

售價: $2190.00

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出版社: Cengage Learning
出版日期: 2017/12/08
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 381 grams
ISBN: 9781337629157

Discover why materials behave the way they do with ESSENTIALS OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 4TH Edition. This books focuses on materials engineering to explain how to process materials to suit your designs. Rather than simply memorizing facts or lumping materials into broad categories, you gain an understanding of the whys and hows behind materials science and engineering. This knowledge of materials science provides an important framework for understanding the principles used today to engineer materials. Detailed solutions and meaningful examples assist you in learning principles while significant end-of-chapter problems provide ample practice. MindTap digital resources help you learn on your terms with an interactive eBook and personalized learning tools.
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