How to Grow a Monster: Gardening (Library Binding)
作者: Kiki Thorpe 
書城編號: 13497937

原價: HK$168.00
現售: HK$159.6 節省: HK$8.4

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出版社: Kane Pr
出版日期: 2020/08/04
ISBN: 9781635922769

Last year, Gabe's mom grew way too many zucchinis. This year, Gabe and his sister have a secret plan to take control of the garden. They have to stop the zucchini madness! Tying into the popular Makers Movement, Makers Make It Work is a series of fun easy-to-read stories that focus on problem-solving and hands-on action. This charming story explores the Makers theme of Gardening and includes explanatory sidebars and a gardening-related activity for young makers to try themselves!
Kiki Thorpe 作者作品表

Horsetail Hollow Horsetail Hollow 5 (Paperback)

Horsetail Hollow Horsetail Hollow 5 (Hardcover)

Horsetail Hollow Horsetail Hollow 4 (Paperback)

Horsetail Hollow Horsetail Hollow 4 (Hardcover)

Finding Tinker Bell #6: The Last Journey (Disney: The Never Girls) (hardcover)

Finding Tinker Bell #6: The Last Journey (Disney: The Never Girls) (paperback)

eBook: Fairy's Gift (Disney: The Never Girls) (DRM EPUB)

Never Girls #2: The Space Between (Disney Fairies) (paperback)

Never Girls #1: In a Blink (Disney Fairies) (paperback)

Tink in a Fairy Fix (paperback)

Meet the Kreeps (Paperback)


Sos Title Unknown (paperback)

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