Chakra Balance: The Beginner's Guide to Healing Body and Mind (Paperback)
作者: April Pfender 
書城編號: 13513882

原價: HK$150.00
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出版社: Althea Pr
出版日期: 2018/06/26
重量: 0.31 kg
ISBN: 9781641520614
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Help heal your body and soul--the essential beginner's guide to balancing chakras.

Chakra imbalances can manifest in a number of physical and emotional ailments. Chakra Balance is a practical beginner's guide to identifying energy imbalances, and restoring harmony with powerful, energy healing practices.

Chakra Balance offers illustrated, easy-to-follow guidance for using yoga poses, crystals, and essential oils to harness your energy and heal. With in-depth profiles of each of the seven chakras, you'll gain a fundamental understanding of the physical, emotional, and spiritual elements of every chakra.

Push past blockages and keep your chakras clear and open with:

  • A symptom reference chart that allows you to diagnose which chakra is blocked based on the emotional or physical symptoms you experience
  • Effective, energy exercises that don't require previous experience and specifically target the chakra in distress through yoga, crystals, essential oils, and other healing practices
  • Straightforward chakra profiles that explain the characteristics and causes of imbalance for each chakra
  • Visual guidance with photos, illustrations, and charts for easy reference

Take a deep breath. Tune into the energy running through you, and feel the connection between your mind and body with this practice-based guide for chakra healing.

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