The Chinese Medicine Cookbook: Nourishing Recipes to Heal and Thrive (Paperback)
作者: Stacey Isaacs 
書城編號: 13514060

原價: HK$170.00
現售: HK$161.5 節省: HK$8.5

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出版社: Althea Pr
出版日期: 2019/08/20
重量: 0.46 kg
ISBN: 9781641524674
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Food is the best medicine--Chinese food therapy is here.

Your body is a temple--honor and heal it with nourishing foods. The Chinese Medicine Cookbook is your introduction to traditional Chinese food therapy--and how to prepare your daily meals to increase your health and happiness.

This practical approach includes the basic information you need to personalize your diet through every season. Bring traditional Chinese medicine fundamentals of balance--yin and yang--to the flavors on your plate and the energies in your body. With easy-to-find ingredients and helpful tips, you'll master recipes like Roasted Carrot-Ginger Soup, Miso-Honey-Butter Roasted Chicken, Penne with Arugula Pesto, and more.

Inside The Chinese Medicine Cookbook, you'll find:

  • Master the basics--Learn the essential philosophies of traditional Chinese medicine from this easy-to-understand introduction.
  • Eat with the seasons--Explore dishes specifically chosen to complement the seasons, with chapters for spring, summer, fall, and winter.
  • 65+ delicious recipes--Enjoy a variety of nourishing foods and beverages for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack time, and dessert.

The Chinese Medicine Cookbook will put joy on your table (and into your spirit) for every meal.

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