Willkommen! 2 German Intermediate course (Paperback)
作者: Paul Coggle 
分類: Language teaching & learning material & coursework ,
書城編號: 1351979

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版日期: 2017/09/26
尺寸: 248x190x9mm
重量: 0.44 kg
ISBN: 9781471805158

Willkommen! 2 Intermediate Course is a brand new multi-format German adult learning programme for classroom and home use. The course includes a coursebook, activity book, CD and DVD set plus online activities.

Created in consultation with teachers and learners it's the perfect follow-up to the Willkommen! Beginner's course and takes your learning further. It can also be used as a starting point for study to review and build on existing knowledge.

This full-colour 190-page coursebook is the primary text for the course. Indispensable for students, it's packed with a range of learning features to help you progress in reading, writing, listening and speaking German. It's designed for classroom use but is also suitable for home study.

- 10 learning units - plus extensive grammar sections and word glossary
- Lively and contemporary themes - from food and fashion to travel, work, politics and the environment
- Comprehensive coverage of key grammar and vocabulary - for communicating in a range of common conversational settings
- Range of activities based on authentic matierals - to see everyday German in context
- Deutschland info sections - give practical and cultural insights into German life

Also available:
Activity Book (ISBN 9781444165203): for extra practice and review linked to the coursebook units.
CD and DVD Set (ISBN 9781444165234): contains all the dialgogues and listening activities included in the coursebook plus video content building on the real-life German used in the course.
Course Pack (ISBN 9781473601390): includes the Coursebook, the CD and DVD Set and a Support Book containing a key to the exercises and audio transcripts).

Paul Coggle 作者作品表

Willkommen! 2 German Intermediate course (Paperback)

Willkommen! 2 German Intermediate course (Hardcover)

Enjoy German Intermediate to Upper Intermediate Course (Hardcover)

Get Talking and Keep Talking German Pack (Hardcover)

Teach Yourself Complete German (Hardcover)

Teach Yourself Complete German (Paperback)

Get Talking German in Ten Days (Hardcover)

Willkommen! (Hardcover)

Willkommen! (Paperback)

Willkommen! (Hardcover)

Willkommen! (Paperback)

Teach Yourself Complete German (Paperback)

Teach Yourself Complete German (Audio)

Teach Yourself Complete German (Paperback)

Do You Speak Estuary?: The New Standard English (illustrated ed) (Paperback)

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